EMI Course
應用地質研究所全英語課程地圖 Graduate Institute of Applied Geology EMI Course map | ||||
課號 Course Code | 課程名稱 Course Name | 學分數 Credits | 必修/選修 Required/ Elective | 授課教師 Instructor |
AG7002 | 應地數學 Mathematics in Applied Geology | 2 | 必 Required | 陳瑞昇 Chen, Jui-Sheng |
AG7044 | 數值模擬 Numerical Modelling in Applied Geology | 3 | 選 Elective | 陳瑞昇 Chen, Jui-Sheng |
AG7056 | 岩石力學 Rock Mechanics | 3 | 選 Elective | 董家鈞、田永銘 Dong, Jia-Jyun, Tien, Yong-Ming |
AG7064 | 地下水文學 Groundwater Hydrology | 3 | 選 Elective | 陳瑞昇、倪春發、王士榮 Chen, Jui-Sheng, Ni, Chuen-Fa, Wang, Shih-Jung |
AG7066 | 地下水數值模式與實習 Applied Groundwater Modeling | 3 | 選 Elective | 倪春發 Ni, Chuen-Fa |
AG7071 | 序率地下水學 Stochastic Subsurface Hydrology | 3 | 選 Elective | 倪春發 Ni, Chuen-Fa |
AG7072 | 地質力學 Geomechanics | 3 | 選 Elective | 黃文正 Huang, Wen-Jeng |
AG7086 | 高等物理地質學 Advanced Physical Geology | 2 | 選 Elective | 波玫琳 Le Beon Maryline |
AG7098 | 數學與程式 Fundamentals of Mathematics and Computer | 2 | 選 Elective | 倪春發 Ni, Chuen-Fa |
AG7104 | 土水力學與應用 Geohydraulics and Applications | 3 | 選 Elective | 王士榮 Wang, Shih-Jung |
AG7111 | 活動大地構造暨地震地質 Active Tectonics and Earthquake Geology | 3 | 選 Elective | 波玫琳 Le Beon Maryline |
AG7112 | 第四紀地質學 Quaternary Geology and the Critical Zone | 2 | 選 Elective | 波玫琳 Le Beon Maryline |
AG7119 | 構造地質學及地質模型建置特論 Special topics on structural geology and geological modeling | 3 | 選 Elective | 波玫琳 Le Beon Maryline |
AG7123 | 地熱資源調查與實作 Geothermal Resource Survey and Implementation | 2 | 選 Elective | 盧乙嘉 Lu, Yi-Chia |
AG7124 | 高等野外地質學 Advanced Field Geology | 3 | 必 Required | 朱傚祖、黃文正 Chu, Hao-Tsu, Huang, Wen-Jeng |
AG7125 | 高等工程地質學 Advanced Engineering Geology | 2 | 選 Elective | 董家鈞 Dong, Jia-Jyun |
AG8005 | 序率地下水模式特論 Special Topics on stochastic groundwater modeling | 3 | 選 Elective | 倪春發 Ni, Chuen-Fa |
AG8006 | 地下水數值模式特論 Special topic on numerical groundwater modeling | 3 | 選 Elective | 倪春發 Ni, Chuen-Fa |