
About the Institute

The Graduate Institute of Applied Geology has actively engaged in teaching and research in applied geological sciences. Founded in 1991, the institute has seven full-time, twenty joint appointed and six adjunct faculty members, offering both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees with an emphasis on the impact assessment of geohazards, geoenvironments, and georesources.
Our faculty members have a broad spectrum of expertise and research interest in the areas of hydrogeology, groundwater hydrology, groundwater contaminant transport, neotectonics, active fault and earthquake hazard, landslide hazard, engineering geology, geotechnical engineering, environmental geochemistry, mineral and energy resources, fractured rock hydrogeology, hydrogeological parameter estimation, subsurface environmental modeling, and high-performance numerical simulation. These provide students with excellent opportunities to acquire hands-on experiences in conducting laboratory and field works. All students are highly encouraged to do publishable research in cooperation with their advisors.