A variety of courses are offered to sustain the research requirements and job demands. These courses include Field Geology, Engineering Geology, Environmental Geology, Structural Geology, Petroleum Geology, Groundwater Hydrology, Soil and Rock Mechanics, Well Hydraulics, Groundwater Contamination, Solute Transport Phenomena, Hydrogeological Parameter Estimation, Geochemistry, Earthquake Hazard Mitigation, Slope Engineering, Mathematics of Applied Geology, Numerical Simulation and others depending on research needs and student suggestions.
Course Code | Course Name | Introduction |
AG7001 | Advanced Field Geology I | This course aims at introducing the methodological observation and description of rock occurrences and bodies in 3D on the Earth’s surface. It will emphasize field survey and the recognition and making of geological maps. |
AG7002 | Mathematics in Applied Geology | This course introduces students to mathematical methods that are widely used in various branches of applied geology. Students will learn the concepts, theorems, mathematical derivations, illustrative examples of the relevant mathematical methods. |
AG7003 | Statistics in Geology | To review basic statistics and to study geostatistics. In the meantime, students are strengthened in basic mathematics, logic proficiency, and programming skills. |
AG7005 | Landslides | This course is designed based on theoretical slope stability analysis, so that the students' investigation of the soil and rock slope, planning, analysis, monitoring, treatment countermeasures Theory and Applications, consistency of understanding. |
AG7010 | Colloquium | Expose students to various experts in related fields to understand the content and recent development of the various related fields, so that students can know thyself as well as the related fields and can master their subject via a comprehensive study of various related fields. |
AG7012 | Seminar of Engineering Geology I | To strengthen master students in engineering geology professional expertise, english paper reading ability, logic proficiency, and presentation skills. Introduction by teachers to assist master students to select the appropriate papers or case studies to do reports and discussions. The scope is new topics and applications in engineering geology. These include: (1) Regional landslide susceptibility analysis and assessment, (2) Debris flow hazard analysis and sediments transport, (3) Studies on geological disposal of nuclear waste. |
AG7015 | Seminar of Geotechnical Engineering I | Improve the ability for review and present literatures. Read articles, oral presentation, discussion. |
AG7016 | Special Topics Research I | Study of research problems under guidance of research advisors. |
AG7026 | Groundwater Contamination and Transport | Learning the concept and principle of groundwater flow and solute transport |
AG7028 | Seminar of Engineering Geology II | To strengthen master students in engineering geology professional expertise, english paper reading ability, logic proficiency, and presentation skills. Introduction by teachers to assist master students to select the appropriate papers or case studies to do reports and discussions. The scope is new topics and applications in engineering geology. These include: (1) New technology in site investigation and assessment, (2) New technology in engineering geological data processing and analysis, (3) Measurement of insitu stresses and active fault studies. (4) Coupling of insitu stresses and groundwater flow. |
AG7031 | Seminar of Geotechnical Engineering II | Improve the ability for review and present literatures. Read articles, oral presentation, discussion. |
AG7032 | Special Topics Research II | Study of research problems under guidance of research advisors. |
AG7038 | Seminar of Engineering Geology III | To strengthen master students in engineering geology professional expertise, english paper reading ability, logic proficiency, and presentation skills. Introduction by teachers to assist master students to select the appropriate papers or case studies to do reports and discussions. The scope is new topics and applications in engineering geology. These include: (1) New technology in site investigation and assessment, (2) New technology in engineering geological data processing and analysis, (3) Measurement of insitu stresses and active fault studies. (4) Coupling of insitu stresses and groundwater flow. |
AG7041 | Seminar of Geotechnical Engineering III | Improve the ability for review and present literatures. Read articles, oral presentation, discussion. |
AG7044 | Numerical Modeling in Applied Geology | To teach basic numerical methods required for applied geology. Give students experience in understanding the properties of different numerical methods so as to be able to choose appropriate methods and interpret the results for problems that they might encounter. Students will implement and study the numerical methods using FORTRAN language. Emphasis is given to the applications of the various types of numerical methods. |
AG7047 | Seminar of Engineering Geology IV | To strengthen master students in engineering geology professional expertise, english paper reading ability, logic proficiency, and presentation skills. Introduction by teachers to assist master students to select the appropriate papers or case studies to do reports and discussions. The scope is new topics and applications in engineering geology. These include: (1) New technology in site investigation and assessment, (2) New technology in engineering geological data processing and analysis, (3) Measurement of insitu stresses and active fault studies. (4) Coupling of insitu stresses and groundwater flow. |
AG7050 | Seminar of Geotechnical Engineering IV | Improve the ability for review and present literatures. Read articles, oral presentation, discussion. |
AG7051 | Slopeland Engineering Geology | To establish the ablity of applying the knowledge of geology for slopeland engineering. |
AG7052 | Advanced Engineering Geology I | Based on Geology, the student we be trained to analysis and evaluate the geological conditions, to provide useful data for engineering plan, design, construction, operation and mantaince. |
AG7053 | Adaptive Engineering Geology Ⅱ | Build the ability to propose a geological model from various investigation techniques, to analysis and evaluate the geological conditions, to provide useful data for engineering plan, design, construction, operation and mantaince. |
AG7056 | Rock Mechanics | Build the ability to understand the principal of rock mechanics such as stress and strain analysis, constitutive law. geological structure, rock mass classification, mechanical behaviors of intact rocks and joints, in-situ stress measurement. |
AG7058 | Seminar of Numerical Groundwater Models Ⅰ | The objective of this course is to improve the fundamental knowledge of groundwater flow and transport modeling. The course involves case studies and discussion of state-of-the-art techniques for modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. |
AG7059 | Seminar of Numerical Groundwater Models Ⅱ | The objective of this course is to learn the numerical techniques for groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Case study of groundwater flow and contaminant transport in porous media. |
AG7060 | Seminar of Numerical Groundwater Models III | The objective of this course is to improve the fundamental knowledge of groundwater flow and transport modeling. The course involves case studies and discussion of state-of-the-art techniques for modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. |
AG7061 | Seminar of Numerical Groundwater Models IV | The objective of this course is to learn the numerical techniques for groundwater flow and contaminant transport simulation. Case study on the groundwater flow and contaminant transport. |
AG7064 | Groundwater Hydrology | Learning the groundwater flow behavior in an aquifer system and realizing its mechanism |
AG7066 | Applied Groundwater Modeling | This course focuses on applications of numerical models for groundwater flow and transport problems. Students in this class will learn a number of numerical models that are relative to groundwater flow and transport. The procedure to create conceptual model and interpretation of modeling results will be discussed through case studies. |
AG7070 | Case History in Geotechnical Engineering | By case history study, to understand the role of geotechnical engineering and engineering geology during planning, design and construction phases of freeway and MRT project. |
AG7072 | Geomechanics | This course introduces how to apply mechanics to analyses of geological structures in order to have deeper understanding of their formation of mechanisms and conditions . Geological structures at different scales will be introdced firstly and then introduction of mechanics, rheology and boundary condition will follow. Meanwhile, some practical examples of analysis will be preseted. |
AG7076 | Seminar of Geomechanics I | To train graduate students how to do oral presentation and let them improve their English comprehension and enhance their professional knowlege via reading papers recently published in periodicals. |
AG7077 | Seminar of Geomechanics II | To train learners to think independently |
AG7078 | Seminar of Geomechanics III | To train graduate students how to do oral presentation and let them improve their English comprehension and enhance their professional knowlege via reading papers recently published in periodicals. |
AG7079 | Seminar of Geomechanics IV | To train learners to think indepentantly |
AG7080 | Seminar of Groundwater Contaminant Transport I | Study of current advancement in groundwater contamniant transport problems. |
AG7081 | Seminar of Groundwater Contaminant Transport II | Study of current advancement in groundwater contamniant transport problems. |
AG7082 | Seminar of Groundwater Contaminant Transport III | Study of current advancement in groundwater contamniant transport problems. |
AG7083 | Seminar of Groundwater Contaminant Transport IV | Study of current advancement in groundwater contamniant transport problems. |
AG7086 | Advanced Physical Geology | To provide essentials in Earth Sciences to non-geologist students |
AG7092 | Introduction to Big Data Analytics and Applications | Introduction of Big Data Computing and Applications in Science and Technology |
AG7094 | Special Topics on Industrial Project I | Special Topics on Industrial Project |
AG7097 | Special Topics on Industrial Project IV | Special Topics on Industrial Project |
AG7098 | Fundamentals of Mathematics and Computer | This course focuses on fundamental mathematics and computer programming for students in applied geology. Specific topics will include FORTRAN program language and the applications of computer code to solve mathematical problems with numerical methods. |
AG7100 | Seminar of Geohydraulics I | Investigating the topics of geohydraulics |
AG7101 | Seminar of Geohydraulics II | Investigating the topics of geohydraulics |
AG7102 | Seminar of Geohydraulics III | Investigating the topics of geohydraulics |
AG7103 | Seminar of Geohydraulics IV | Investigating the topics of geohydraulics |
AG7104 | Geohydraulics and Applications | Learning the knowledge of coupled solid and fluid interactive theory and its applications |
AG7105 | Environmental Hydrogeology | Introduction to health effect, occurrence, transport distribution, monitoring, and remediation of groundwater and soil contaminants |
AG7106 | Hydrogeologic Survey and Application | To introduce methods of hydrogeologic field survey and mapping, hydrogeologic maps of Taiwan, United States, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and establish hydrogeologic conceptual model and its application to groundwater modeling; to instruct students in the field to perform hydrogeological survey and mapping, and construct a hydrogeologic conceptual model. |
AG7107 | Seminar of Active Tectonics I | To expand knowledge on active faults topics, to acquire the ability to critically read and understand a scientific article and to develop presentation skills. |
AG7108 | Seminar of Active Tectonics II | To expand knowledge on active faults topics, to acquire the ability to critically read and understand a scientific article and to develop presentation skills. |
AG7109 | Seminar of Active Tectonics III | To expand knowledge on active faults topics, to acquire the ability to critically read and understand a scientific article and to develop presentation skills. |
AG7110 | Seminar of Active Tectonics IV | To expand knowledge on active faults topics, to acquire the ability to critically read and understand a scientific article and to develop presentation skills. |
AG7111 | Active Tectonics and Earthquake Geology | Acquire the current knowledge on active fault behavior, master the concepts and techniques of active fault investigations from the earthquake cycle timescale to the timescale of 10-100-ka cumulative deformation, and learn how these findings apply to seismic hazard assessment. Audience: Graduate students and professionals from the fields of tectonics, structural geology, Quaternary geology, seismology, hazard assessment or civil engineering… |
AG8005 | Special Topics on stochastic groundwater modeling | Hydrological, geophysical, and geochemical properties and processes of geological media are known to vary spatially and temporally at a multiplicity of scales and dimensions. In most realistic situations, scales of observations are often inconsistent with the scale of the tools for interpretation; scales of properties estimated from hydro/geophysical tests rarely agree with others; and modeled grid scales are frequently incoherent with the measurement scales. The arising issues are: how can we incorporate the estimations on different scales and provide appropriate strategies to better describe the distributions of hydrogeological properties in geological media? The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge of subsurface hydrology to quantitatively tackle issues relating to scales and spatial/temporal variability of hydrogeological properties in geological media. |
AG9998 | Research Training | Research Training |